Here is an overdue update on my life here in Costa Rica:
• My first trimester has ended. I have two more to go. I did well in my classes and can see an improvement in my Spanish. Thank you for your prayers and, please, continue to do so.
• My second trimester has already begun. As for grammar this trimester, I will be focusing on the 16 uses of the subjunctive mood The subjunctive is used much more often in Spanish then in English, making it difficult for English speakers learning Spanish to incorporate it in their conversation. I know the forms and generally how the subjunctive is used, but I hope that this trimester will really help me to solidify it in my thinking and to use it in converstion more easily.
• During the break in between the trimesters, I went on a short mission trip to a small farming town called Media Vuelta out in the jungle on the Sarapiquí River (with crocodiles and alligators). Our primary task for the trip was to help the church do some survey work throughout the community in order to find out who is there and to make connections with the people for relationship building. On Sunday afternoon, we went up the river in a long moter boat to the next community, Arbolitos, and did the same thing there. Pray that the church there will be able to reach these communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
• Also during the break, I went with some other IMB students to visit the
Doka coffee plantation and
Poás Volcano. It was a good day of fun with friends.
• I am continuing my weekly visits to the House of Restoration. There is a lot of turn over there. Every week there are some new people there and others who have left. Often those who leave, do so because they are back on drugs or alcohol. I taught the lesson for the first time this past week, all in Spanish. Please pray that these men would come to know Christ.
For the Glory of His Name and the Furtherance of His Kingdom,