A little over a week ago, as I was walking home from town, I started talking with an older woman named Corina. She asked me if I would loan here a Bible. So I went home and got her a Spanish New Testament and gave it to her. Then we started to talk and read Scripture for over three hours. She had a lot of questions about Jesus and his deity, about Mary and the saints. She wants me to come back so we can read some more from the Bible.
▸ Please pray that my time reading and talking with her will go well and that the Spirit will do a work in her heart.
This week I found out that I will be moving to another town in Conchucos called Pomabamba. It is about 4½ hours north of Yanama. I do not yet know when this move will take place. It could be very soon. Pomabamba is a larger town in which I will have Internet access (dial up). So once there, I'll be able to make updates more frequently.
▸ Please pray that this transition to Pomabamba will go smoothly
▸ that relationships can be established in Pomabamba and the gospel proclaimed
▸ that God would call out for himself a true church in both Yanama and Pomabamba that will carry the gospel among their own people and beyond
As always, continue to pray:
▸ that the Name of the Lord be great among every tribe, people, nation, and tongue, including the northern Conchucos Quechua
▸ that I would walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, pleasing Him in every respect, bearing fruit in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God and His Word
▸ that I would grow in my understanding of my own unworthiness and be totally dependent upon Christ and His grace and power to work through me as I proclaim the excellencies of the gospel to the northern Conchucos Quechua
▸ that Lord of the Harvest would thrust out worker into the harvest field
▸ that I will be able to clearly communicate the gospel (in both Yanama and Pomabamba, people speak more Quechua than Spanish.)
There are three phases
in most great tasks undertaken for God:
impossible, difficult, done.
— Hudson Taylor
For the earth will be filled
with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD
as the waters cover the sea.
— Hab 2:14