I have gotten settled in and am trying to build relationships with the people in the community. In January, I passed out calendars with Alvo (a believer from Chiclayo was in Yanama for a few weeks) into order to help introduce me to the community and meet people. The calendars have a bible verse for each day, so it also served to put some Scripture in the homes of the people.
I am meeting new people all the time. I have been able to share some with some. But they did not respond to the gospel. But the power of the Gospel is strong, and I am confident that people will believe as I proclaim it to people.
Please pray that I will be able to build relationships with the people of Yanama and that God will open doors the witness about Christ (Col 4:3) and that God will open hearts to receive the Gospel (Act 16:14).
Please pray that I would be devoted to prayer and the Word.
Please pray that I would grow in Christ-likeness.
The people of Yanama speak more northern Conchucos Quechua than Spanish, so pray that I can communicate clearly the Gospel. Most can speak Spanish, but they speak Quechua to one another and some speak only Quechua.