Sunday, April 8, 2018

A New Update

Hey everyone,

Greetings! I hope you all are doing well.  Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. Thank you for your many prayers on behalf of the the work God is doing here in Colombia among the displaced indigenous peoples. 
I have recently returned from the department of Quindío where the missionaries here in Colombia had a prayer retreat and a few meetings. It was a great time to get away, fellowship with others, and spend time together to pray for all of the work that God is doing throughout the country.

Please keep in mind the work with the Katío. As I have mentioned in previous newsletters, the Spanish among the Katíos with whom I am working is low, so communication has at times been difficult. But when the Katío family moved to another place one block away, we have met another Katío, Héctor, who speaks better Spanish and is open to hearing about the gospel. So he may be able to help us translate the message into the Katío language when we visit.

Continue to keep the Wounaan in your prayers too. In May, I plan to visit some Wounaan believers in Panama. I want to be able to see the Wounaan work and perhaps help to begin to establish a relationship between the Wounaan in Pananma and the Wounaan in Bogotá. Please pray that together they will reach out to the Wounaan in western Colombia who are in need of the Gospel.
Here are a few prayer concerns to keep in mind:

• That we will be able to disciple the Wounaan believers so that they may continue to grow in the faith, see the grand story of the Bible in the gospel, and apply the Word to their lives.

• That the Wounaan in Bogotá will be mobilized to send out their own missionaries to reach their on people in Chocó.

• That my visit to Panama will be fruitful.

• That we would see many Katío come to Christ and that biblical churches planted among the Katío.

• That I will be devoted to the Word, prayer, and the task at hand and grow closer to the Lord each and every day.

• That the Name of Christ would be great among all peoples as the gospel is proclaimed to the ends of the earth. 

Daniel 7:14
And to Him was given dominion, g
lory, and a kingdom,
That all the peoples, nations and men of every language m
ight serve Him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion w
hich will not pass away;
And His kingdom is one w
hich will not be destroyed.

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