Greetings! I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you for praying for me and for the work God is doing among the indigenous peoples of Colombia and throughout the world. Continue to pray that the word of Christ would speed ahead and be glorified, that the gospel would advance unhindered, that many would come to faith in Jesus, and that the gospel would demolish any and all barriers raised up against it. Pray that the name of Christ would be great among the nations.
We have told Bible stories. We have played games with the kids. Pray for one man, "Leo," whom I have known for about four years now. He broke his back after a fall from the second floor. Pray for our visits that many deep relationships will develop and that the gospel will be clearly communicated, understood, and received.
Continue to pray for the Wounaan. I have been meeting with "Silas" and his family. We are still studying through Mark together. There is a small Wounaan church in Bogota. But many of the Wounaan are unreached. Pray that the Wounaan believers can reach out to their own people with the gospel.
Also, continue to pray for "Mike" and his family. Life is hard as he struggles to make ends meet. He has begun to open up to gospel discussions. He has started to attend church services at Bethania. Pray that God would open up his heart to receive the gospel and trust in Christ.
Continue to pray for Daniel and his family from Bethania Church as they minister in their neighborhood Las Cruces. I have been helping them in this for some time now.They have Bible studies for the neighborhood children on the weekends. They are in the process of planting a church. Pray for them as they seek to reach those in Las Cruces.
The last week of June, I will be traveling to Mexico for some meeting with other missionaries. Pray for safety as I travel, that the meetings will go well, that I will be able to reconnect with friends I haven't seen in a while and meet many new friends.
Also, the landlord to my apartment is wanting to sell the property, so I will be looking for a new apartment this month. Pray that I will find a good apartment in a good location and that my apartment search doesn't interfere with ministry.
Continue to pray for the visa situation in Colombia as some missionaries have been having difficulties with their visa renewal. My current visa is good for the next 14 months, but pray for those who are in the process of renewal now and that by next year it will be a smoother process.
Please pray that God will continue to bless our efforts to reach the displaced indigenous in Bogota. There are thousands of them here in the city and we can only do so much. The need is great, but we serve an even greater God. Pray that God will send out more laborers–laborers not only from the States but from here in Colombia. Pray that Colombian believers will see the need right here. Pray that doors for the gospel will be open. Pray for bold and clear communication of the gospel. Pray for wisdom as we consider relief projects. Prayer is vital to the missionary task. So thank you for your continued support through prayer.
John began his gospel by saying that in Jesus was life and that that life was the light of men that shines in the darkness. Jesus is the one who reveals the glory of God to the world. Jesus is the Word made flesh, God incarnate who brings illumination and understanding of truth to a world overcome by darkness.
The final day of the Feast of Booths (7:2) included a celebratory lighting in the temple in remembrance of the pillar of fire that guided the people in the wilderness wandering (Exo 13:21-22). It was in this context that Jesus declared Himself to be the Light of the World. John has already touched on aspects of the wilderness wanderings. Jesus as the Bread of Life is the true manna from heaven (6:48-51). He is the one who sustains us and nourishes us. In John 7, Jesus bids all who are thirst to come to Him and drink (7:37). God provided the people in the wilderness water from a rock. Jesus is that water. He is the one who cleanses us and refreshes us. Now, in John 8, He is bearing witness about Himself as the Light of the World, the one who that gives us the truth that sets us free (8:31).
With this I AM statement, Jesus is saying that He is God (cf. Psa 27:1). He is declaring Himself to be the long-awaited Messiah. He is the One who guided the people in the wilderness. He is the promised Servant of the LORD about whom Isaiah prophesied who would come and be as a light for the nations so that salvation may reach to the end of the earth (Isa 49:6). He is the LORD who would be our everlasting light (Isa 60:19-20). That is who Christ is. He is the Light of the World. So let is proclaim that Light to every tribe, nation, people, and tongue so that those who walk in darkness would see that Great Light (Isa 9:2, 6) and be delivered from the domain of darkness and be transferred to the kingdom of Christ (Col 1:13). May His salvation reach the ends of the earth!
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