Here's a quick update:
• My Spanish is coming along. I find myself able to understand more day by day.
• The ministry at the House of Restoration is going well. I bought a Bible for a man there. There is, however, a lot of turn over. Some of the men end up back on drugs and alcohol. Please pray that we may win them with the gospel.
• I have added an item to this site. To the right, you can see a box for an "Unreached People Group of the Day," provided by the Joshua Project. Every day, it gives information on an unreached people group (population, religion, language, etc.). I plan to go to the lowland Quechua of Bolivia, but let us never forget to pray for the thousands of other people groups who have never heard the gospel of Christ.
• Last week at the language institute, we had a culture day. This is a time that the language institute has each trimester in which the students can learn more about Latin culture. This trimester, they had a festival with booths with various typical games that one would find in Costa Rica at such festivals. They also had some typical festival foods. It was a lot of fun
Continue to remember these prayer concerns:
• language/culture acquisition
• ministry at the House of Restoration
• that God would open doors for me to share the gospel
• that God would open the hearts and minds of those to whom I have the opportunity to witness
• that I would grow in Christlikeness
• that I would be grounded in Scripture and dependent upon God in prayer
• that the Lord of the harvest would thrust out laborers into the harvest
• that the Name of Christ be great among the nations

Seeing the crowds of people, Jesus felt compassion for them,
for they are distressed and thrown down
like sheep without a shepherd. — Matthew 9:36
Both picture courtesy of Joshua Murphree, © 2009
1 comment:
Hi. Originally, somehow, I found your blog on hungering and thirsting for righteousness, that you wrote in 2005. Encouraging! The Lord always knows when to lead us where... it will be a privilege praying for you.
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