Here is an update as to what I'm doing:
I have begun my third and final trimester at the Spanish Language Institute. I'm sure it will be over before I realize it. Time has really flown. I have grammar for an hour a day. I'm the only one in the class, so it should be really helpful with the one on one tutoring. I also have FARO. FARO is a class in which the students have a route consisting of various people within the community and talk with them about various themes. Both should be really helpful in gaining fluidity.
Most of the other guys who have been working with me at the House of Restoration have graduated from the language institute. Right now there are only two of us going. Since the other guys Spanish is still pretty limited, I am the one who teaches every week. Please pray that we can find some other guys to help out.
The past few weeks for the Bible study we have there I have presented the gospel to them. I spent two weeks on the person and work of Christ, explaining to them who Christ is and what He did at the cross. Most of the men seem eager to study Scripture. For the following weeks, I plan on helping them to read and study Scripture for themselves. Many of them come from Catholic backgrounds and find personal Bible study unattainable apart from some priest or other professional interpreting it for them. I plan to give them a few basics and work through some passages with them. Please pray that God would give me wisdom as I lead these Bible studies and that I will communicate clearly to them in Spanish.
Prayer Concerns:
• language/culture acquisition during my final trimester
• ministry at the House of Restoration, particularly for more workers and wisdom as I lead the weekly Bible studies
• that God would open doors for me to share the gospel
• that God would open the hearts and minds of those to whom I have the opportunity to witness
• that I would grow in Christlikeness
• that the Lord would send out laborers into the harvest
• that the Name of Christ be great among the nations
• that the Lord would work even now in the hearts of the Quechua people among whom I will be serving as a church planter
For the Glory of His Name and the Furtherance of His Kingdom,
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