Greetings and salutations! I
hope that everyone is doing well. Here is a quick update regarding what I’ll be doing next week.
Juan De Dios, one of the Chamí believers, has past away. He was an older man with several health issues who suffered a lot of pain. He loved the Lord and had a great desire to see the gospel of Christ in his own language and for it to be spread among his own people. Now his faith has become sight as he worships in the presence of Christ.
Psalm 116:15 says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.”
• Please pray for me as I travel on Monday and Thursday.
• Pray for his family, especially for his wife Maria Lina, during this difficult time.
• Pray for me as I minister to the family of Juan De Dios.
• Pray also that the gospel would spread throughout the Chamí people.
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