Greetings! Thanks for supporting me through your prayers. I know it's been a while since my last update. Here are a few things that are going on right now.
One of the indigenous men with whom my team has been studying is one of the community leaders for his people group. Some others in the community who don't like that he's a believer have threatened his life. We have connected him with an organization that helps people in situations like this, and they have helped him find a safer place to live in light of these threats.
It has been a very trying time for him and his family. Also, several people from his family have become interested in learning more about the Bible Please pray for his safety and that of his family, that he would continue to trust in the Lord during this time, and that God would use this to spread the gospel.
My team has also begun to work with a Katío family, another people group he in Bogotá. The family we are visiting lives in a rough area of the city that's filled with drugs and prostitution. We have been able to visit with the family and begun to share Bible stories with them. This work here is in the very early stages. Please pray that this will lead to many new believers and a new church.
In a couple of weeks, I will be traveling to Costa Rica for a retreat. Pray that it will be a time of rest and reconnecting with other missionaries.
Again, thank you for your prayers.
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