Hello! Thank you for your prayers for me and for the peoples of Colombia. Please continue to pray as I minister among the Wounaan and Katío.
Several of the Katío have been sick, including two babies. But one of the babies, Maria Lina, is now home:
There are still others who have been in and out of the hospital. So continue to pray for them. Another issue regarding the Katío is that their Spanish is not very strong. I was able to find some resources in the Katío language, however, they were not able to understand those resources well. I sent a recording of them speaking to a Bible translator who works with several Embera languages, and he says that it sounds like a mixture of to known languages—Chamí and Tadó. He is interested in meeting with them to do some linguistic follow up. They could be speaking a language we previously didn't know existed.
As I mentioned in my previous update, there was going to be a double wedding. Two Wounaan couples were married. Here some photos of the couples:
Tomorro, I will be flying to Mexico for a meeting with all the IMB missions working in the Americas. I will be there for a week. Please pray that it will be a good time of refreshment. I will be seeing many friends I haven't seen in a while and meeting new friends. David Platt will be preaching.
Again, thank you for participating in my ministry by praying for the work God is doing in Colombia.
Romans 1:16-17
For I am not ashamed of the gospel,
for it is the power of God for salvation
to everyone who believes,
to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith,
as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”
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